Why being a Stay-at-home Mom and Household COO is the best career choice I ever made. And why it isn't.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A Sisterly Moment
Here are the Beauties enjoying a quiet moment watching Avatar on the computer. Shorty woke up from her nap yesterday and would have no one but The Big One. What a way to win over the big sister! Cuddles and Avatar.
Yours Truly~ The Mom, Wife, General Manager and Executive Chef
Dear Hubby~ aka Chris, The Dad, Bringer of Bacon and (we let him think) Head of Household
Sporty Spice~ aka The Big One, eight-going-on-thirty
Posh Spice~ aka The Middlest One, just shy of five
Baby Spice~ aka Shorty, one-and-a half
The Three Beauties
A Word (okay two words) from our Sponsor "Don't Panic"
When I use the word Guide, I use it in only the very loosest of connotations. I make my choices (but rarely my bed), and I live my life the way I choose to live it. You are welcome to read what amounts to my journal, and take from it what you will. BUT, don't ever feel that I somehow think I've been dealt the upper hand in this mad mad world of parenting, household management or any other aspect of life. I have no intention of offering anyone else advice or "guidance" on how to live her (or his) life. So, in short, if you take my advice...don't blame me when it comes back to bite you in the patootie. I'm just a humble housewife, not the next Martha Stewart. And anyway, look where her house-wifing got her.
Monday- Penne with Bacon, Asparagus and Tomatoes
Tuesday- Sesame Chicken with Soba Noodles and Spinach
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